
Tried to apply to a job, got fucked with i guess

I (f) wanted to apply for a job at a Computer store. I thought i knew my stuff and was mostly up to date. I went in and gave the manager my C.V. He had a small chat with me about my knowledge, asking me if i knew „What systems had Rai“ and if i would panic if a costumer asked me to build a Pc. I looked like a Deer in the Headlights, because i heard of Ray-Tracing with Gpus but not of Rai-systems(?) and was completely dumbfounded at his questions. He also proceeded to correct my Cv at the spot. I took it with me to „correct it“ but plan to never return. Either i dont know my stuff or he just fucked with me because im a girl. Either way, i wont apply there anymore. Note: He spelled it out for me. R-A-I

I (f) wanted to apply for a job at a Computer store. I thought i knew my stuff and was mostly up to date.
I went in and gave the manager my C.V.
He had a small chat with me about my knowledge, asking me if i knew „What systems had Rai“ and if i would panic if a costumer asked me to build a Pc.

I looked like a Deer in the Headlights, because i heard of Ray-Tracing with Gpus but not of Rai-systems(?) and was completely dumbfounded at his questions. He also proceeded to correct my Cv at the spot.
I took it with me to „correct it“ but plan to never return.

Either i dont know my stuff or he just fucked with me because im a girl. Either way, i wont apply there anymore.

Note: He spelled it out for me. R-A-I

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