
Tried to get me to transfer…. How about no.

So this isn’t problem going to be seen but this is prob the best way to quit. I was a store manager at a privately owned pet store chain and So this was a couple years ago before minimum wage was 15 in NYC it was still like 11 and was being raised every year I believe. So the owner was getting mad that they would have to give all their employees raises and was talking how can’t believe I have to give this young kids X amount of money now and trying ways to figure to minimize their funding on employees. So what they started doing is firing managers who were making a decent amount of money and promoting those younger people into the position for a couple of cents more then what they were making before or having those manager who make a decent amount manage 2 stores.…

So this isn’t problem going to be seen but this is prob the best way to quit.

I was a store manager at a privately owned pet store chain and So this was a couple years ago before minimum wage was 15 in NYC it was still like 11 and was being raised every year I believe. So the owner was getting mad that they would have to give all their employees raises and was talking how can’t believe I have to give this young kids X amount of money now and trying ways to figure to minimize their funding on employees. So what they started doing is firing managers who were making a decent amount of money and promoting those younger people into the position for a couple of cents more then what they were making before or having those manager who make a decent amount manage 2 stores.
So here’s where I come into play I was store manager making decent amount at one of the higher volume stores always beating numbers and making profit nothing for them to complain amount. They’ve decided they wanted me to manage 2 stores that are nowhere near me because the store does so well now it should be able to run itself with a new manager I tell the district no I don’t want to transfer to store ina different borough and he tells me “I’ll see what I can do “ so I figured they’ll prob let me stay but just incase i told my Assistant manager that they want to transfer for me to give a heads up. Next day shows up the VP of the company calls telling me they need to move to those stores but they will not compensate travel or anything so I respectfully decline and she’s like gets annoyed and said she’ll keep in touch. Two days pass by and I figured they prob decided not to transfer me but nope I was wrong I was working with my assistant manager and here comes in my district manager telling me “hey we need you transfer can’t take no for an answer VP words” so I just smiled at him and was like nope here’s my keys I’m not doing it. He tried to convince me to take it still decline walking out and as I’m leaving my assistant manager asks me what I’m doing I tell him I’m quoting gave DM my keys he’s like hold up, so as I’m waiting at the door I see him walking towards me ready to leave jacket and everything looks at myDM and smiles like “shit in leaving too” and hands him his keys. Seeing my district manager face was priceless he literally had no words. The best part was going back because I left my charger and seeing him have to catch fish and work. It was one of the most talked about things in the company for a while.

In the end the company started losing so much money that it was closing stores one by one then the owner passed away and his kids didn’t want to take over the company and they all just shut down at once. And there was about 90 stores.

Sorry for typos and errors rushed through this.

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