

DO NOT hire or work for this morally bankrupt company. If you are in a position of need, just do the 30 day paid training and then bounce Supervisors treat the employees horribly and are extremely condescending, and talk to everyone else like we are a bad group of kindergarteners. They probably think they are legitimately superior beings, will say things like “maybe you will be a supervisor one day too”. No, Sharon, I would rather choke on a hotdog and die on my lunch break before the meeting you’re having me come back early to attend Terrible experience. I took the job after moving to a new city with no connections or resources and urgently needing a job. It was work from home, $14 an hour + commission (not terrible on paper compared to $10 an hour most places offer where I live) so I bit the bait But,…

DO NOT hire or work for this morally bankrupt company.

If you are in a position of need, just do the 30 day paid training and then bounce

Supervisors treat the employees horribly and are extremely condescending, and talk to everyone else like we are a bad group of kindergarteners. They probably think they are legitimately superior beings, will say things like “maybe you will be a supervisor one day too”. No, Sharon, I would rather choke on a hotdog and die on my lunch break before the meeting you’re having me come back early to attend

Terrible experience. I took the job after moving to a new city with no connections or resources and urgently needing a job. It was work from home, $14 an hour + commission (not terrible on paper compared to $10 an hour most places offer where I live) so I bit the bait

But, of course there is a catch:

They want you to use any and every underhanded tactic to sell rip-off lawn care to anyone and everyone who calls, including cold calling when it’s slow or if you’re a “low performance level”

The payment is extremely unsecure, I’m just taking these people’s credit cards over the phone from our home, if I really wanted to or if I was as shady as they want their sales people to be in order to do this job, I could easily swipe the card numbers and save them for a rainy day and I’d be absolutely shocked if there weren’t sales reps doing this

-they don’t offer mowing or cutting, only chemical treatments which you aren’t allowed to disclose to the customers unless they directly ask

-You’re not supposed to tell customers they can pay per treatment and cancel any time, you’re expected to get them to pay in advance for the entire year and the service automatically renews

-they don’t let customers cancel and I’ve had multiple people tell me the company still came out to do their lawn and charged them after they allegedly cancelled the service

-it’s terrible for people and pets, you’re expected to lie about the health risks and predatorily sell to every single caller regardless of why they’re actually calling and every call you don’t convert counts against you

-when customers ask if we mow we’re expected to just dance in bullshit circles around the question and still get them to buy a $800/year or sometimes more product that usually doesn’t even solve their problem

-half the calls coming in are pissed off customers who paid for the service and had the technicians come out and mark that the service has been completed after doing fuck all (in their defense they are expected to do 40-50 lawns each because of the shit company planning), and we’re still expected to sell them another service during the same call like mosquito treatments or tree and shrub treatments and if we don’t try to, we get reprimanded

-the other half of the calls are people who bought the service and it negatively impacted their lawn or killed their grass and we have to try to make it right with zero tools to provide them actual customer service

-if you try to do the morally right thing, or be an honest salesperson (I know, that’s a paradox), you get in trouble

At this point, high turnover rate is part of their business plan because they know they’re a shit company to work for

This entire experience has made me realize that the entire lawn care industry is a massive sham/capitalist failure and is actually terrible for the environment and everyone involved. Basically destroying the environment for profit and giving people and their pets cancer

My last day is the 29th, I haven’t told anyone yet and I’m not going to. I got a better job and a 5 digit raise with benefits from day 1, new job is going to provide all of my equipment, so my personal phone and computer are no longer work devices. These past few days are going to be so difficult but I need the money

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