
Truly Desperate

Like so many of you here- I am desperate. I feel like I can't handle another minute. I know others feel the same and I know certain people will think I'm a huge baby, but I truly cannot handle working full time. My shifts are nine hours. It's a fairly new job, but already I can feel the same feelings creeping up. The existential dread. Thr anxiety. The grief of lost time. I am in my early thirties and I've been feeling so dark and depressed thinking scary things. Is this all there is to life? Maybe have a kid or two? I find myself hoping I get sick (not sure why, they just make you work from home) Has anyone here had any success finding a job they are happy at, particularly remote or hybrid? I know I need to try to do something but I feel like giving…

Like so many of you here-

I am desperate. I feel like I can't handle another minute. I know others feel the same and I know certain people will think I'm a huge baby, but I truly cannot handle working full time. My shifts are nine hours. It's a fairly new job, but already I can feel the same feelings creeping up. The existential dread. Thr anxiety. The grief of lost time. I am in my early thirties and I've been feeling so dark and depressed thinking scary things. Is this all there is to life? Maybe have a kid or two? I find myself hoping I get sick (not sure why, they just make you work from home)

Has anyone here had any success finding a job they are happy at, particularly remote or hybrid? I know I need to try to do something but I feel like giving up.

I am getting worried about my mental state. And I feel like a failure because I get like this at every job.

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