
Trust is a two way street

I work in shipping and receiving for a medical device manufacturer, and a few months back, a manager informed me cameras arriving were being installed in the clean room in our new building. He asked me not to mention this to our assemblers, because he knew they would not be happy. I have a good relationship with them because I worked with one of them previously, and work closely with all of them every day. They entered the new clean room for the first time yesterday, and indeed they are not happy. The manager’s explanation to me was a scenario in which the outside service that certifies the clean room quarterly did something wrong or damaged something, we would now have proof to hold them accountable. Ok, why not be upfront with the assemblers then? Aren’t they pretty much guaranteed to be more pissed off finding out this way? Then…

I work in shipping and receiving for a medical device manufacturer, and a few months back, a manager informed me cameras arriving were being installed in the clean room in our new building. He asked me not to mention this to our assemblers, because he knew they would not be happy. I have a good relationship with them because I worked with one of them previously, and work closely with all of them every day. They entered the new clean room for the first time yesterday, and indeed they are not happy. The manager’s explanation to me was a scenario in which the outside service that certifies the clean room quarterly did something wrong or damaged something, we would now have proof to hold them accountable. Ok, why not be upfront with the assemblers then? Aren’t they pretty much guaranteed to be more pissed off finding out this way? Then someone straight up lied and told one of the assembler leads they’re still cameras, not video. I receive every box that comes through here, and saw the DVR that came with them.

Screw management for the way they handled this, especially instructing me to keep my mouth shut.

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