
“Trust me, nobody’s getting fired,” says Assistant Principal, looking at the 6 vacancies in the building two days before the start of the new school year.

I say, interjecting into the conversation, “Mr. X and I are going into the pool every day.” AP says, “Go for it! We just need people to be here next week. Use all the perks you want! You want to go into the pool, go. You want…whatever you want…you got it.” He had told me earlier, “Look fingers, we need to change your schedule [for these reasons].” “Okay, but I need some patience. I need to be able to take 1/4 days and leave early if I need to. Some times I will need to quote unquote go downtown.” “Whatever you need.” “And I need A lunch wave unless you want to have an ambulance pick me up every other day.” “Whatever you need.” So….there's that.

I say, interjecting into the conversation, “Mr. X and I are going into the pool every day.”

AP says, “Go for it! We just need people to be here next week. Use all the perks you want! You want to go into the pool, go. You want…whatever you want…you got it.”

He had told me earlier, “Look fingers, we need to change your schedule [for these reasons].”

“Okay, but I need some patience. I need to be able to take 1/4 days and leave early if I need to. Some times I will need to quote unquote go downtown.”

“Whatever you need.”

“And I need A lunch wave unless you want to have an ambulance pick me up every other day.”

“Whatever you need.”

So….there's that.

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