
Try not to be toxic. But some people make me sick

Boss thinks he is cool cause he owns a helicopter. Brags about how its got the same paint job as his car. Flys to the job site every few months for surprise inspection, like we don't see it coming. Against federal law to fly at our job site. Does it all the time anyway. Gets fined all the time. Still does it. Fine is more than he pays the average employee in a year. Staff short handed. High turnover because they never give raises when they promise it. Fires people on the spot like an asshole. Can't give raises or improve work conditions or supply proper PPE because profits are down. Gotta keep flying the chopper in though right? Of course you do!

Boss thinks he is cool cause he owns a helicopter.
Brags about how its got the same paint job as his car.
Flys to the job site every few months for surprise inspection, like we don't see it coming.

Against federal law to fly at our job site.
Does it all the time anyway.
Gets fined all the time.
Still does it.
Fine is more than he pays the average employee in a year.
Staff short handed.
High turnover because they never give raises when they promise it.
Fires people on the spot like an asshole.
Can't give raises or improve work conditions or supply proper PPE because profits are down.

Gotta keep flying the chopper in though right?
Of course you do!

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