
Try to switch departments or just go for a part time job?

In March this year I had started a new job in production where we're assembling inverters for solar systems I guess.its pretty much what you think it is standing and doing a monotonous job a machine could do. It wasn't long after being hired that they had to send me to a different department within the production where they assemble like circuit boards. I actually liked to and loved the fact that we can choose whether to stand up or sit down during the shift to do our work. The pay is the same. Logically I asked if I could switch and the person who was responsible for that said he'd ask but he can't promise me anything . No problem I thought, if I can switch I'll stay longer if not my plan was to stay until I paid my most crushing bills. Time passed and I didn't hear…

In March this year I had started a new job in production where we're assembling inverters for solar systems I guess.its pretty much what you think it is standing and doing a monotonous job a machine could do. It wasn't long after being hired that they had to send me to a different department within the production where they assemble like circuit boards.

I actually liked to and loved the fact that we can choose whether to stand up or sit down during the shift to do our work. The pay is the same. Logically I asked if I could switch and the person who was responsible for that said he'd ask but he can't promise me anything . No problem I thought, if I can switch I'll stay longer if not my plan was to stay until I paid my most crushing bills.

Time passed and I didn't hear anything so I asked someone else and obviously didn't hear anything again. Now I'm wondering if I should ask HR about switching or if I should just say fuck it.

I've been looking for a part time job anyway so I can do other things (study for a training I wanna apply for next year) but also having extra to start paying off my student debt from dropping out before doing something I might actually like, would be nice.

I do kinda worry since I'm 30 about being a trainee again if it's the right call or if I'm picking the right job but I know I don't wanna keep on doing jobs where I feel myself mentally declining.

Idk everything feels so bland anyway I just wanna make a right decision.

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