
Trying Something New

I'm a Gen X'er who, in the past, has always worked for Boomers. I've been miserable my entire career and thought that it was just me and my problems that made me that way. I've always hated the Boomer authoritarianism. I've worked as a Tech Writer in software dev, as a Project Manager in human services, and most of my working years as a high school teacher. I've hated them all… the micromanaging, the shitty compensation, the criticism, just all of it. So, I quit my job in early 2018 and have only done IC work since then. I was not yet old enough and couldn't yet afford to fully retire, so I really reduced my expenses and have only done online private tutoring, taught asynchronous remote university courses, and have done some WFH curriculum development for an educational software company. This is all fine, except that I haven't made…

I'm a Gen X'er who, in the past, has always worked for Boomers. I've been miserable my entire career and thought that it was just me and my problems that made me that way. I've always hated the Boomer authoritarianism.

I've worked as a Tech Writer in software dev, as a Project Manager in human services, and most of my working years as a high school teacher. I've hated them all… the micromanaging, the shitty compensation, the criticism, just all of it.

So, I quit my job in early 2018 and have only done IC work since then. I was not yet old enough and couldn't yet afford to fully retire, so I really reduced my expenses and have only done online private tutoring, taught asynchronous remote university courses, and have done some WFH curriculum development for an educational software company. This is all fine, except that I haven't made nearly as much money as I used to. So, I've continued looking for something else that's more lucrative while being VERY SELECTIVE.

I think I may have finally found it. It's a company that was started by a Millennial, the regional manager in my area is also a Millennial, and they seem to “get it.” They had a posting for an IC position that's in sales, but “easy sales” related to education. The compensation is unlimited and depends upon how much I want to work. I can work from home, set my own schedule, and do as much or as little as I like. The company is not greedy. In fact, I'll receive ~3X in commission what the company keeps in profit. The financials are incredibly transparent.

They also have solid 5-star reviews with comments like “the owner lets you run your own business the way you like,” “you can reach the owner/regional manager if you need them, but other than that, they leave you alone,” “the easiest sales I've ever done,” and “unlimited potential to earn money.”

I've had to be much more aggressive/pro-active than I'm used to. I first contacted the company over a month ago, and I wrote to them three times before hearing anything back from them. Next, I interviewed twice. Then I've maintained contact with them once a week since my interviews. Finally, I think I'll be offered a contract this week. Maybe that's just the nature of a sales gig, or maybe it's the difference in the mentality of the people at this company. But either way, I hope it pays off.

I never understood why people slagged Millennials for having different priorities and growing up under different circumstances than previous generations. I think it just became a trendy thing to do. Personally, I've always related to them more so than my own generation or Boomers. I hope this is the answer I've been looking for… flexibility, freedom to control my own life, and the opportunity to succeed, while simultaneously doing something to benefit students in my community.

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