
Trying to get fired since 6 months with no success.

Hi, I have a shitty low paying call center work from home. I was telling myself I would not do it for long but then Corona happened, and we could work from home and I was telling myself everyday when I was exhausted after work, that “hey, Im home and its easy work blah bah” despite having no money and feeling like dead at night. Since about 6 months Im working very bad. I take more breaks than I allowed to, watch youtube Videos while at work, going to toilett for 10min etc etc. You know the drill. I have like speech number 20 with my “boss” and for some reason they not fire me. I feel like a slave that is not allowed to leave. Problem is to get benefit money I need to get fired and not the other way around. Im now on my 4th day “sick”…


I have a shitty low paying call center work from home. I was telling myself I would not do it for long but then Corona happened, and we could work from home and I was telling myself everyday when I was exhausted after work, that “hey, Im home and its easy work blah bah” despite having no money and feeling like dead at night.

Since about 6 months Im working very bad. I take more breaks than I allowed to, watch youtube Videos while at work, going to toilett for 10min etc etc. You know the drill. I have like speech number 20 with my “boss” and for some reason they not fire me. I feel like a slave that is not allowed to leave. Problem is to get benefit money I need to get fired and not the other way around. Im now on my 4th day “sick” at home in a hope I will finaly get kicked.

My boss is actualy a nice guy despite me being a bad worker but he said something that convinced me to change my life. He wanted me to give reasons to work better he couldnt find anything positive about my job. The only thing he said was: “Well….you know the money always arrives at the end of the month its not so bad”.

Realy? So the low wage arrives on point and thats now supposed to be a big thing? Pathetic.

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