
Trying to live a happy life

I am becoming bitter and cold. Turning into the very person I hate the most. I work a full time job. I pay my taxes. I stay out of trouble. I just want to live an honest life and it feels impossible. I don’t want a million dollar mansion, I just want a place to call my own. I don’t need a Lexus I just need a reliable car to get me from point a to point b. I don’t need to eat at Ruth Chris steak house every night I just don’t want to have to decide weather to get gas to go to work or be hungry for the next 5 days. I give everything to the system, the money, the time, the effort, the fake smiles and nods like I’m just fine in candy land but it’s all bullshit and worthless. I want to be someone worth…

I am becoming bitter and cold. Turning into the very person I hate the most. I work a full time job. I pay my taxes. I stay out of trouble. I just want to live an honest life and it feels impossible. I don’t want a million dollar mansion, I just want a place to call my own. I don’t need a Lexus I just need a reliable car to get me from point a to point b. I don’t need to eat at Ruth Chris steak house every night I just don’t want to have to decide weather to get gas to go to work or be hungry for the next 5 days. I give everything to the system, the money, the time, the effort, the fake smiles and nods like I’m just fine in candy land but it’s all bullshit and worthless. I want to be someone worth being. My generation wants to better the world, but how can we when we can’t even better our selves. Stuck like pigs, the lot of us. It’s not just moaning and complaining. It’s not that we should try harder and our success will happen. The truth is the people that are well off either A. Invested money at the right time, B. Knows someone that knows someone that landed them a nice job. Or C, paid someone shit wages for their benefit. The system is broken and if you don’t think so you are in fact part of the problem.

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