
Trying to not rage quit.

For the past month I was told I was going to get a bonus of about 900. It was postponed a payperiod. No problem. I can wait another 2 weeks. Now a few days before payday, my boss tells me I'm getting like $100. My employees will be getting a better bonus than I will. All because he apparently was looking at the wrong numbers… I'm dealing with an idiot. I had been planning on this extra income for a few weeks, so it was in my budget. Now that is all fucked up. This is on top of many other factors at my job. Such as me not being able to do my job this whole past week because I've been having to do 2 other people's jobs. Or the fact that my boss is spineless, and won't discipline anyone, so when I come head to head with them,…

For the past month I was told I was going to get a bonus of about 900. It was postponed a payperiod. No problem. I can wait another 2 weeks. Now a few days before payday, my boss tells me I'm getting like $100. My employees will be getting a better bonus than I will. All because he apparently was looking at the wrong numbers… I'm dealing with an idiot. I had been planning on this extra income for a few weeks, so it was in my budget. Now that is all fucked up. This is on top of many other factors at my job. Such as me not being able to do my job this whole past week because I've been having to do 2 other people's jobs. Or the fact that my boss is spineless, and won't discipline anyone, so when I come head to head with them, I always look like an asshole. Im just tired of it. Middle management sucks balls.

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