
Turning in my resignation, the next three weeks are going to be even more toxic.

This place is a shit show. Since I started 4 months ago, 5 people have quit, one of which was a walkout. I had zero training, do the work of 3 people (I calculated, because I was tired of being the only one doing anything and wanted to prove a point), and I almost walked out myself when I was yelled at by two of the office bullies for taking my lunch break at a time that wasn’t convenient to them. Through all of this I hav told my manager all of the issues, pointed out the concerns, and she just keeps saying “stick with me through it, you can do it.” And makes excuses about working on it. She is going to be a bit blindsided when I turn in my two weeks notice, since I’ve been trying to be more positive with her as I know the office…

This place is a shit show. Since I started 4 months ago, 5 people have quit, one of which was a walkout. I had zero training, do the work of 3 people (I calculated, because I was tired of being the only one doing anything and wanted to prove a point), and I almost walked out myself when I was yelled at by two of the office bullies for taking my lunch break at a time that wasn’t convenient to them. Through all of this I hav told my manager all of the issues, pointed out the concerns, and she just keeps saying “stick with me through it, you can do it.” And makes excuses about working on it. She is going to be a bit blindsided when I turn in my two weeks notice, since I’ve been trying to be more positive with her as I know the office being a shit show isn’t entirely her fault. Regardless, I’m leaving because I am moving back home, I don’t even have a job lined up yet. Just not looking forward to all the extra toxicity from her and the office bullies, especially after being out with COVID for the past week. I was sent home Thursday with a fever only to find out the office “cold” that got passed around wasn’t a cold, and I was the only one caught in office coughing and sent home to quarantine. Atleast I got C19 pay.

TLDR; my boss thinks I’m on her good side when really I’m turning in my resignation because of the toxicity in the work place. And I have COVID. Rant over.

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