
TVA doesn’t just fire people

When I first started there a decade ago, everyone told me that it practically took an act of congress to fire someone from TVA. They had to claim that I snuck in to TVA property to plant a pistol holster and take a picture of it to send to my boss from a spoofed phone number, even though they have no surveillance footage to even suggest I was in the area. They also want to claim that I drove into my boss’s boss’s driveway, even though I have never been near her neighborhood. This all because I filled an equal opportunity employment claim, and they needed an excuse to fire me as a result. Do not apply for a job at TVA if you value your life and reputation.

When I first started there a decade ago, everyone told me that it practically took an act of congress to fire someone from TVA. They had to claim that I snuck in to TVA property to plant a pistol holster and take a picture of it to send to my boss from a spoofed phone number, even though they have no surveillance footage to even suggest I was in the area. They also want to claim that I drove into my boss’s boss’s driveway, even though I have never been near her neighborhood. This all because I filled an equal opportunity employment claim, and they needed an excuse to fire me as a result. Do not apply for a job at TVA if you value your life and reputation.

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