
TW: PILLS/SUICIDE. Friend hospitalized after suicide attempt/OD and managers asked for a note from the hospital so I could have days off. I quit.

I was working at a dispensary that was opened because the owners' mom experienced a better quality of life while dying of cancer. ​ My friend/chosen family had a…. situation, a suicide attempt. I let all the bosses know I could not come in the next day because I would be travelling 4 hours to be with my friend. The night I found out about my friend and sent those messages, two asked me to message other employees to get my shift covered. I did not. That is not my responsibility! ​ The next day (the day after the news, and the day I was 4 hours away and needing to be with my friend) I sent my managers a message that said I could not leave– chosen family, anxious love. Ya know? Their response– Can you get a note from the hospital? My response– NO. Doctor/patient confidentiality. You do…

I was working at a dispensary that was opened because the owners' mom experienced a better quality of life while dying of cancer.

My friend/chosen family had a…. situation, a suicide attempt. I let all the bosses know I could not come in the next day because I would be travelling 4 hours to be with my friend. The night I found out about my friend and sent those messages, two asked me to message other employees to get my shift covered. I did not. That is not my responsibility!

The next day (the day after the news, and the day I was 4 hours away and needing to be with my friend) I sent my managers a message that said I could not leave– chosen family, anxious love. Ya know?

Their response– Can you get a note from the hospital?

My response– NO. Doctor/patient confidentiality. You do not know my friend and do not need their name. I can't say first&last name with the cannabis orders because of that, and you want a note regarding my friend's suicide attempt??!?!?!

This is a weed business, sure. But still a small business!!! I thought there would be more compassion.

There were also other managerial issues; lack of acknowledgement for actions, too much questioning of ideas, a strange chain of command in general, promotions of people who weren't efficient.

I'm out though. So, heck yeah!

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