
Two articles seemed like propaganda to me…

This morning while going through my news feed I had an article with the headline – “Many people who joined the great resignation regret, and it means bosses can take back power” and another saying “Gen-z actually hates working from home, wants to go back to the office”. These both seem like BS/propaganda to me, are people really thinking these things? (Headlines aren't perfect but close for anyone wanting to search them, but I won't linkthem because fuck giving them ad revenue.)

This morning while going through my news feed I had an article with the headline –
“Many people who joined the great resignation regret, and it means bosses can take back power” and another saying “Gen-z actually hates working from home, wants to go back to the office”.

These both seem like BS/propaganda to me, are people really thinking these things? (Headlines aren't perfect but close for anyone wanting to search them, but I won't linkthem because fuck giving them ad revenue.)

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