
“Two toxic employees who were trying to unionize left”

Right now I'm doing OK. Like if most places treated the workers like my current gig, this sub would shrivel. I'm a truck driver for a large carrier. The environment differs from terminal to terminal. My current gig is solid. Most of my previous jobs (different fields) have been anywhere from sub par to downright toxic. As a dude who's just trying to carve out his niche, I really don't know what to do to make things better for folks. I vote accordingly, support unions. But I don't know what else to do. Today I got a chance. Another terminal is short handed, abs has been for a while. They're asking for volunteers to fill in, and are offering a lot of extra money. I was gonna do it. Until I started getting some details and was told “Two toxic employees that were trying to unionize are gone” Fuck you.…

Right now I'm doing OK. Like if most places treated the workers like my current gig, this sub would shrivel.

I'm a truck driver for a large carrier. The environment differs from terminal to terminal. My current gig is solid.

Most of my previous jobs (different fields) have been anywhere from sub par to downright toxic.

As a dude who's just trying to carve out his niche, I really don't know what to do to make things better for folks. I vote accordingly, support unions. But I don't know what else to do.

Today I got a chance. Another terminal is short handed, abs has been for a while. They're asking for volunteers to fill in, and are offering a lot of extra money. I was gonna do it.

Until I started getting some details and was told “Two toxic employees that were trying to unionize are gone”

Fuck you. You made this mess. Fucking burn in it. I'm not helping a union buster Make his numbers.

I'm a top tier worker. You get nothing from me on this.

Solidarity, comrades.

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