
Two weeks notice is A COURTESY…I don’t have to be here!

Throwaway account because who knows who’s on Reddit anymore. And I’m on my phone and ranting so standard formatting etc. disclaimer I accepted another job that isn’t able to onboard me completely until early July so I gave my soon to be ex employer 2 weeks notice (technically 3) and I’m instantly regretting it. Supervisor gave me a to do list that’s ridiculous, co workers are either ignoring me or being passive aggressive (to be fair I probably deserve it since I can’t stand any of them anyway), and I legitimately don’t see what I’m getting out of staying other than the potential to get a good reference in the future. I know as soon as I leave everything that goes wrong or is delayed for a client will be my fault. That’s what they do to everyone who leaves. It has nothing to do with the fact that my…

Throwaway account because who knows who’s on Reddit anymore. And I’m on my phone and ranting so standard formatting etc. disclaimer

I accepted another job that isn’t able to onboard me completely until early July so I gave my soon to be ex employer 2 weeks notice (technically 3) and I’m instantly regretting it.

Supervisor gave me a to do list that’s ridiculous, co workers are either ignoring me or being passive aggressive (to be fair I probably deserve it since I can’t stand any of them anyway), and I legitimately don’t see what I’m getting out of staying other than the potential to get a good reference in the future.

I know as soon as I leave everything that goes wrong or is delayed for a client will be my fault. That’s what they do to everyone who leaves. It has nothing to do with the fact that my supervisor is constantly out of the office and therefore behind on work.

Also everyone is shocked I’m leaving. Seriously? They pay us the least amount for our area, only JUST gave us MLK day off (we will never get 6/20 off) and we had to supply our own food for the employee appreciation lunch! That’s just a few issues. They forced everyone back in the office during the pandemic even though we’d proven to be productive working from home. Anyone who didn’t come back right away was made to feel guilty until they did. 30% of the staff has been sick and they’ve straight up denied it’s because of Covid.

Final straw for me was when my supervisor suggested I could just eat my bunny who was very sick and ultimately died. Who does that??

What I’m saying is they don’t give a fuck about us- why should I care about them?

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