
Two weeks notice, or not. Who knows? Find out. Good luck living in fear the next two weeks peasants.

Preface: The company is downsizing. Why? Nobody knows and they have done this before three months ago when they cut the force in half. They send a blanket two weeks notice to EVERYONE, even those who are still staying and they KNOW who is staying but they wont tell you. So for two weeks you live under the specter of doom that you will sign in and either have your access gone or will get to work some more. Now New Jersey is an at will State so they do not need to give notice but to blanket everyone including those they want to keep and let you live in fear for two weeks? Love to hear your comments. (Name Redacted in case I make the cut) ———– Dear Staff, NJ DOH and XXX are continuing the scale down process and plan to reduce the workforce by 50% by July…

Preface: The company is downsizing. Why? Nobody knows and they have done this before three months ago when they cut the force in half. They send a blanket two weeks notice to EVERYONE, even those who are still staying and they KNOW who is staying but they wont tell you. So for two weeks you live under the specter of doom that you will sign in and either have your access gone or will get to work some more. Now New Jersey is an at will State so they do not need to give notice but to blanket everyone including those they want to keep and let you live in fear for two weeks? Love to hear your comments.

(Name Redacted in case I make the cut)


Dear Staff,
NJ DOH and XXX are continuing the scale down process and plan to reduce the workforce by 50% by July 22, 2022. This email serves as the 2-week notification for the next scheduled scale down. This email is being sent to all staff. On Thursday, July 21, 2022, only staff who are impacted by the scale down will receive an update at 8pm to their personal or business email address, whichever is applicable. The message will arrive from your staffing firm. The email will include a separation letter and a post-employment FAQ document, including detailed information and follow-up contacts for questions you may have. Staff included in the scale down will have until 12:00pm Eastern Time on July 22, 2022 to enter their time into their timesheet.
We encourage staff to monitor their personal email inboxes and spam folder the evening of Thursday, July 21, 2022.
Please make sure your personal address is updated with your staffing firm.
We appreciate all of the hard work this team has contributed to this important initiative.
Thank you,

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