
Uhh… this is illegal, right?!

Was looking for a simple part time job to make some extra cash on the side. Front desk at a small motel. Whatever, should be chill and I can probably do studying when it’s not busy. Talked to the guy, filled out paperwork, etc. And then he tells me I will be training for 40 hours this week, and won’t be paid for it. 40 hours of working for FREE. Fuck that. That’s illegal right?! Red flagggggs….

Was looking for a simple part time job to make some extra cash on the side. Front desk at a small motel. Whatever, should be chill and I can probably do studying when it’s not busy. Talked to the guy, filled out paperwork, etc. And then he tells me I will be training for 40 hours this week, and won’t be paid for it. 40 hours of working for FREE. Fuck that. That’s illegal right?! Red flagggggs….

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