
UK employers still advertising a pension scheme like its some kind of bonus

It's really starting to annoy me that while job hunting, employers in the UK advertise the fact that they offer a pension scheme as some kind of perk. Not sure what the state of play is in the U.S. or other countries but here its a legal requirement to do so. Stop pretending this is some great gift you are offering people. Also to be included in this rant are statutory Holiday allowance and minimum wage. We get it…the job sucks that badly you have nothing to offer beyond the bare minimum under law but at least have the decency to not BS people that you are some kind of gloriously good employer.

It's really starting to annoy me that while job hunting, employers in the UK advertise the fact that they offer a pension scheme as some kind of perk. Not sure what the state of play is in the U.S. or other countries but here its a legal requirement to do so. Stop pretending this is some great gift you are offering people. Also to be included in this rant are statutory Holiday allowance and minimum wage. We get it…the job sucks that badly you have nothing to offer beyond the bare minimum under law but at least have the decency to not BS people that you are some kind of gloriously good employer.

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