
Uncertain path, advice?

So I am 22, nearly 23, with many conditions both mental and physical that have gotten in the way of every position, namely spinal issues, severe depression, and BPD. I’ve been unemployed for about a year now, living with my horrible parents who threaten to leave me homeless over the smallest things. At their insistence, I’ve been applying to ~10 jobs a day with a resume they made me show them to be reviewed, but because of my work history and the fact I haven’t held a job longer than 6 months, I always get turned down. I’m not physically capable of standing for long periods, and requests for accommodations at my last job were met with “only pregnant women are allowed to sit, get over it” so I’m not anticipating any better. Does anyone have advice for a flexible/minimal schedule/work at will job that pays decently? I’ve tried doordash…

So I am 22, nearly 23, with many conditions both mental and physical that have gotten in the way of every position, namely spinal issues, severe depression, and BPD. I’ve been unemployed for about a year now, living with my horrible parents who threaten to leave me homeless over the smallest things.

At their insistence, I’ve been applying to ~10 jobs a day with a resume they made me show them to be reviewed, but because of my work history and the fact I haven’t held a job longer than 6 months, I always get turned down.

I’m not physically capable of standing for long periods, and requests for accommodations at my last job were met with “only pregnant women are allowed to sit, get over it” so I’m not anticipating any better.

Does anyone have advice for a flexible/minimal schedule/work at will job that pays decently? I’ve tried doordash and the like but not only are they miserably stacked against the employees, the level of physical strain is too much (I was literally running to get into stores, zero time to breathe between orders, and stressing over trying to find locations only to not get replies from customers).

Applications for disability or unemployment have been unsuccessful and my parents are growing more and more angry with my by the week, making me feel useless/like a burden for even existing, so ANY help is welcome.

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