
Understand that America is a business, not a country and you are cattle to be controlled

And that's why not protest will ever work. That's why the democrats are put there to pretend to care about workers and middle class people. they say get out and vote, so you do. You vote them in and they control 2 branches of government that are affected by vote. Yet NOTHING HAPPENS that benefits you. Wages don't go up. You don't get student loan relief. You don't get medical insurance. You work longer and harder for less and less. The democrats are big on this talking point “let's have a discussion” or “let's talk about this”. NO. We have been TALKING FOR DECADES AND THOSE FUCKS NEVER DO ANYTHING. They sit there and do nothing while Republicans pass laws to take away your rights and keep your wages low. They make it a crime to protest. All while being the minority in this country according to polls. Why do…

And that's why not protest will ever work. That's why the democrats are put there to pretend to care about workers and middle class people. they say get out and vote, so you do. You vote them in and they control 2 branches of government that are affected by vote. Yet NOTHING HAPPENS that benefits you. Wages don't go up. You don't get student loan relief. You don't get medical insurance. You work longer and harder for less and less.

The democrats are big on this talking point “let's have a discussion” or “let's talk about this”. NO. We have been TALKING FOR DECADES AND THOSE FUCKS NEVER DO ANYTHING. They sit there and do nothing while Republicans pass laws to take away your rights and keep your wages low. They make it a crime to protest. All while being the minority in this country according to polls. Why do they get elected? Take your pick, gerrymandering, disenfranchisement, ect

Sure, Elizabeth Warren will cry on tv and tell her sob story. But that's just an act to keep her job. They've had literal DECADES to codify Roe and pass living wage laws but nothing ever happens. They stall sit there while they collect their huge salary and do nothing to help people.

Corporate interests rule all and no protest will ever work. All that's gonna happen is the police will harass and teargas you all while Fox news calls you insurrectionists. Boycott of labor and goods is the only way to get attention.

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