

I've been searching for 2 months for a decent paying job. Nothing in my small town pays a liveable wage, but I had the best paying job for towns around. I worked 11 hour shifts, filed 4 sexual harassment claims against the same guy, dealt with countless incidents of harassment (including having my phone smashed with a hammer and stalking outside of my job), as well as severe working conditions (130°F in the shop regularly). I was forced to quit seeing my therapist and stop taking medication for PTSD and severe anxiety for a lack of funds. I was walking 4 miles to and from work because fuel is too expensive, which only made my day longer (12-13 hours depending on heat). I was told by HR I was asking for the harassment, and to manage my funds better to make ends meet instead of getting a well deserved raise.…

I've been searching for 2 months for a decent paying job. Nothing in my small town pays a liveable wage, but I had the best paying job for towns around. I worked 11 hour shifts, filed 4 sexual harassment claims against the same guy, dealt with countless incidents of harassment (including having my phone smashed with a hammer and stalking outside of my job), as well as severe working conditions (130°F in the shop regularly).
I was forced to quit seeing my therapist and stop taking medication for PTSD and severe anxiety for a lack of funds. I was walking 4 miles to and from work because fuel is too expensive, which only made my day longer (12-13 hours depending on heat). I was told by HR I was asking for the harassment, and to manage my funds better to make ends meet instead of getting a well deserved raise. I don't go out to eat, I barely buy enough groceries to survive, I got rid of every subscription and expense I could, and no longer drive either of my vehicles. I was getting 5 minutes of PTO for every hour I was severely over worked doing the job of 3 people.
I finally reached my limit and put in my two weeks, after 6 months of this horseshit. They fired me on the spot, claiming work performance and overuse of company resources (HR claims and countless meetings trying to get results).
I am now working part time as a waitress and full time at a different factory in my town. I make decent tips but I'm barely afloat. Everything remote I've seen either requires a college education (usually not even required to be relevant to the position) or requires experience.
I am so upset. It's impossible to survive and I'm suicidal and unable to get help. I'm without any insurance for medical or mental health help. At this point this life isn't worth living. I will never be afloat. I will never have a day without worry about keeping my lights on and my stomach full.

The rich carrot-and-rod us with the temptation of a comfortable, fulfilled life, constantly increasing the speed at which we have to run to keep up with the carrot. And then they punish us for not being able to reach, and panic when we stop working for an unattainable reward.

It's insanity.

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