
Unemployment after burning bridges

My husband was promoted in July to a management position at a company he has worked for the past nine years. Finally we were able to breathe a bit and felt relieved not to be living under so much financial stress. Yesterday we found out that his employer had reduced his hourly wage a significant amount without notice two weeks ago. Upset, he called his employer to ask what the hell was happening. They claimed they made a mistake and have been overpaying him…but he never got a pay raise, just more hours as a manager… They then proceeded to belittle him and curse him out. He said that he wanted to quit and didn't agree to working a lower wage for more hours. My husband was distraught, this company has emotionally bullied him in so many way. They know how to push his buttons and trigger insecurities. Last night…

My husband was promoted in July to a management position at a company he has worked for the past nine years. Finally we were able to breathe a bit and felt relieved not to be living under so much financial stress. Yesterday we found out that his employer had reduced his hourly wage a significant amount without notice two weeks ago. Upset, he called his employer to ask what the hell was happening. They claimed they made a mistake and have been overpaying him…but he never got a pay raise, just more hours as a manager… They then proceeded to belittle him and curse him out. He said that he wanted to quit and didn't agree to working a lower wage for more hours. My husband was distraught, this company has emotionally bullied him in so many way. They know how to push his buttons and trigger insecurities. Last night he wrote them an email that he would be happy to come back to work for his regular rate that he has been accustomed to receiving since 2021 before he was even promoted. He was extremely upset this morning with no reply from them and decided to go into the office in the afternoon to pick up his paycheck. This is where everything went downhill. He was confronted by his boss at work. They claimed that since he verbally quit yesterday they owe him nothing. After nine years of slaving away for them. They threatened him stating that they have witnesses saying he quit and that he will receive no unemployment or severance pay. Things got very heated and bridges were burnt. I am so upset for my husband, I know things probably could have been handled better but I feel like it was a set-up from the beginning. He has committed so much of himself to this company. In the end it is not a surprise but somehow it is still shocking that people could be so cruel.

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