
Unemployment interviewer was an absolute buttpipe.

I just had my phone interview to see if I qualify for unemployment. I had notes prepared and thought it might go pretty well, but the dude who interviewed me was a fucking buttpipe. Impatient, nitpicking my every word, deliberately trying to provoke me, it seemed… Is this normal? I get that he probably has a lot of interviews to get through, and he probably has to deal with unpleasant people regularly, but the level of perceived hostility from the start really threw me off.

I just had my phone interview to see if I qualify for unemployment. I had notes prepared and thought it might go pretty well, but the dude who interviewed me was a fucking buttpipe. Impatient, nitpicking my every word, deliberately trying to provoke me, it seemed… Is this normal? I get that he probably has a lot of interviews to get through, and he probably has to deal with unpleasant people regularly, but the level of perceived hostility from the start really threw me off.

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