
Unemployment Question

Before anyone says it i know i am an idiot. Since november ive been working for this small nonprofit as an independent contractor (except i don’t actually have a contract ). Today my shit boss told me and my other coworker that she can only afford one of us going forward bc the COVID grant she was paying us out of ran out in june. This is the first either of us had heard about the grant, much less that one of us would be let go now that it’s run out. Now i’m scrambling for what to do if she doesn’t end up picking me to stay on, I can’t get another job with such short notice bc i will only be in this city for another month and a half before I move so it’s very awkward timing and not worth it to go through to whole application/interview/training…

Before anyone says it i know i am an idiot. Since november ive been working for this small nonprofit as an independent contractor (except i don’t actually have a contract ). Today my shit boss told me and my other coworker that she can only afford one of us going forward bc the COVID grant she was paying us out of ran out in june. This is the first either of us had heard about the grant, much less that one of us would be let go now that it’s run out. Now i’m scrambling for what to do if she doesn’t end up picking me to stay on, I can’t get another job with such short notice bc i will only be in this city for another month and a half before I move so it’s very awkward timing and not worth it to go through to whole application/interview/training process right now. Would I be able to file for unemployment and receive it? Thanks.

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