
Unemployment thinks a mass shooting threat isn’t just cause to quit

It is specifically a minefield set up to get you to say absolutely anything that could potentially disqualify you. I quit because of an active mass shooting threat / discrimination and somehow that was twisted into i quit because i couldn't talk with my co workers. The questions they ask are extremely specific about hypothetical situations you've definitely never considered before and they continually press you for an answer. They have this line of questioning that constantly implies “Why didnt you quit immediately on the spot if it was that bad.” I didnt quit on the spot because I knew that when I called you to try and get unemployment it was going to be a exhausting insane and degrading process that I most likely wasn't going to come out on top of due to the obsession with cherry picking every single aspect and thing i say until it can…

It is specifically a minefield set up to get you to say absolutely anything that could potentially disqualify you. I quit because of an active mass shooting threat / discrimination and somehow that was twisted into i quit because i couldn't talk with my co workers.

The questions they ask are extremely specific about hypothetical situations you've definitely never considered before and they continually press you for an answer. They have this line of questioning that constantly implies “Why didnt you quit immediately on the spot if it was that bad.”

I didnt quit on the spot because I knew that when I called you to try and get unemployment it was going to be a exhausting insane and degrading process that I most likely wasn't going to come out on top of due to the obsession with cherry picking every single aspect and thing i say until it can be twisted into a reason why I shouldn't get unemployment after dealing with a serious security threat and racism at work on a daily basis.

There is this arbitrary obsession with the order of events where lets say something happened that would normally qualify you but then you went and worked the rest of your shift and quit the next day. Denied

Employer lies about the basis of your termination? (Which is very likely) Denied. Have fun going to court.

Not only are you denied, now your reputation and potential job prospects are destroyed because you dared to ask for assistance. All the similar businesses in my area who talk with each other will have heard about this from the owner and the drama that ensued (from the owners perspective of course) and theres paper evidence of this stuff.

Unemployment is a joke, the whole thing is more rich get richer poor get poorer bullshit. This could only work in a very professional tech environment where the employee was laid off in a mass firing and nothing else. More proof why our tax dollars are useless. Yet another system made to ensure poor people get even poorer by daring to even ASK for help and make sure you never do it again.

Learn your lesson peasant, now switch career paths!

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