
Unethical Attendance Policy

I work at a paper packaging plant that has a points system for attendance. If you get 4 points in a 6 month period you're fired. Being late (even a minute) , calling out or leaving early for any reason gets you a point. No call, no show is two points. Last week a man had to leave early cause his newborns' heart rate dipped dangerously low and the doctors didn't think he'd make it through the night. He was pointed. Months ago another coworkers mother died while he was at work so he left early and was given a point. Now I'm sitting at work with a 102 fever cause I can't get to a doctor for a note (still waiting on my insurance to start) and I already have two points from calling out yesterday when my fever hit 104.6 and having food poisoning that made me unable…

I work at a paper packaging plant that has a points system for attendance. If you get 4 points in a 6 month period you're fired. Being late (even a minute) , calling out or leaving early for any reason gets you a point. No call, no show is two points.

Last week a man had to leave early cause his newborns' heart rate dipped dangerously low and the doctors didn't think he'd make it through the night. He was pointed. Months ago another coworkers mother died while he was at work so he left early and was given a point.

Now I'm sitting at work with a 102 fever cause I can't get to a doctor for a note (still waiting on my insurance to start) and I already have two points from calling out yesterday when my fever hit 104.6 and having food poisoning that made me unable to leave the house. If you get a docs note you're still pointed for the first day but not the whole time the doc gives you.

I've heard of other places with similar policies. How is this legal?

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