
Unfair pay between my coworkers and I

I’ll keep it vague in case my coworkers are on Reddit. I’m on phone so sorry for any mistakes or if it doesn’t make sense in general. I had went part time last year so I was transferred to an office that didn’t require me there full time. One of the employees in my old department quit suddenly. They had asked me to go back to her dept to help out my other coworker (he’s the one that replaced me originally) until they found someone for full time. We were able to find someone thankfully. Somehow my coworker found out about the new girl’s pay rate. He vented to me about it and shared his pay rate. I didn’t share my rate because I didn’t want him to know that I made more than both of them. I’m basically “out the door” mentally because after this I’m quitting. I feel…

I’ll keep it vague in case my coworkers are on Reddit. I’m on phone so sorry for any mistakes or if it doesn’t make sense in general.

I had went part time last year so I was transferred to an office that didn’t require me there full time. One of the employees in my old department quit suddenly. They had asked me to go back to her dept to help out my other coworker (he’s the one that replaced me originally) until they found someone for full time. We were able to find someone thankfully. Somehow my coworker found out about the new girl’s pay rate. He vented to me about it and shared his pay rate. I didn’t share my rate because I didn’t want him to know that I made more than both of them. I’m basically “out the door” mentally because after this I’m quitting. I feel guilty as he does most of the work and I just assist with data entry. I told him to ask for way more than what he’s making currently. I almost cried when I found this out. He’s making 16.50, new girl is at 17.50, and myself at 18/hr.

Long story short: I make more than my coworkers in my dept (that I just transferred to again to help meanwhile) and I do the bare minimum. This is because I’m already transitioning out of that company. However, I’m feeling guilty about the unfairness of it.

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