
Union Busting 101: Confessions of a Former Resort Manager

This is something I've wanted to get off my chest for a long time because I found it so egregious that it eventually became one of the reasons I left the industry altogether. As a disclaimer, I have never signed an NDA and all information contained in this post is exclusively a subjective account of my personal experiences and should be taken as mere allegations. For context, I was an FDM and later Call Center Manager at a large resort in Florida, under the management of a company whose name may or may not rhyme with Smarriott. Managers had to sit through a required course, called “Enhancing Workplace Awareness.” The sole purpose and subject matter of this course was how to identify the signs of potential Unionization efforts, and how to guide the conversation with your team about why a Union may not be in their best interests without violating…

This is something I've wanted to get off my chest for a long time because I found it so egregious that it eventually became one of the reasons I left the industry altogether.

As a disclaimer, I have never signed an NDA and all information contained in this post is exclusively a subjective account of my personal experiences and should be taken as mere allegations.

For context, I was an FDM and later Call Center Manager at a large resort in Florida, under the management of a company whose name may or may not rhyme with Smarriott.

Managers had to sit through a required course, called “Enhancing Workplace Awareness.” The sole purpose and subject matter of this course was how to identify the signs of potential Unionization efforts, and how to guide the conversation with your team about why a Union may not be in their best interests without violating the law.

We were told to tell Associates that their pay may actually decrease with a Union contract, that their jobs may become more bureaucratic, that scheduling may become more difficult, that the Union is just a business and seeks to take advantage of them to turn a profit and get rich off their Union dues, and anything short of direct threats to convince them that they should, under no circumstances, consider unionizing.

All of this happens while the owners take home recording breaking profits at the tail end of COVID. All of this happens the same day we discuss how every financial metric is on pace to blow 2019 out of the water.

I share this as a warning to you all, particularly those in hospitality. Your boss is not your friend. The owners are not your friend. Don't drink the corporate Kool-Aid on Unions. Do your own research with your co-workers and come to the conclusion yourself about what workplace structure you genuinely believe is in your best interest. Because I guarantee the company you work for will give you a raw deal given even half a chance.

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