
Union Failure – help these workers

Hello, I just came across this petition. It is for unionized flight attendants in canada to have their union finally represent them fairly. It turns out several hundred flight attendants are getting paid around $10 less an hour for 10 years compared to their less senior co-workers, on the same flight, doing the same job. Plus they will lose tons of pensionable earnings and stock purchase rights. This is all because they were not properly represented during bargaining, the union allowed a clause to be presented allowing this wage discrimination to be presented to the memberships with a huge signing bonus for those not effected. Help right this wrong and force their union to finally make right the harm their own union caused. Please sign.


I just came across this petition. It is for unionized flight attendants in canada to have their union finally represent them fairly.
It turns out several hundred flight attendants are getting paid around $10 less an hour for 10 years compared to their less senior co-workers, on the same flight, doing the same job. Plus they will lose tons of pensionable earnings and stock purchase rights.
This is all because they were not properly represented during bargaining, the union allowed a clause to be presented allowing this wage discrimination to be presented to the memberships with a huge signing bonus for those not effected.

Help right this wrong and force their union to finally make right the harm their own union caused. Please sign.

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