
Unions and such

OK, we are hearing a lot about Union successes. I am SO happy to hear about Starbuck's unions gaining traction and the link that was posted (that almost broke, LOL) showed me where I need to show up tomorrow and tip outrageously. But, and please don't think I'm advocating against unions, we have to remember what was a PART of the problem with the downfall of unions. That was organized crime getting into the unions and skimming off millions of dollars in reserves that were supposed to be dedicated to unionists pensions that were never fulfilled. PLEASE, let's get this right this time, and make sure the Mob doesn't gain control of our unions. The Republicans will jump all over that bullshit and we don't need that.

OK, we are hearing a lot about Union successes. I am SO happy to hear about Starbuck's unions gaining traction and the link that was posted (that almost broke, LOL) showed me where I need to show up tomorrow and tip outrageously.
But, and please don't think I'm advocating against unions, we have to remember what was a PART of the problem with the downfall of unions.
That was organized crime getting into the unions and skimming off millions of dollars in reserves that were supposed to be dedicated to unionists pensions that were never fulfilled.

PLEASE, let's get this right this time, and make sure the Mob doesn't gain control of our unions. The Republicans will jump all over that bullshit and we don't need that.

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