
Unleashed in my resignation letter. For your enjoyment.

Thank you for your time today. On the spot I couldn’t quite articulate my questions, but I am wondering why the pay structure isn’t laid out more clearly? And if it is so rigid, why it wouldn’t just automatically increase on someone’s 1 year anniversary with the company/anniversary as an RBT? How can it be on a rigid structure but simultaneously depend on the areas of growth you mentioned? Scheduling a meeting left me with the impression there was some negotiation possible. Most jobs allow negotiations depending on merit and performance, it’s this ABA principle that kept me working so hard and going above and beyond. You also mentioned that I couldn’t get a higher raise because of after-hour events. If a raise depended on me going to events like Trunk or Treat, like you suggested, shouldn’t those be paid events, or shouldn’t it be made explicitly clear that attending…

Thank you for your time today. On the spot I couldn’t quite articulate my questions, but I am wondering why the pay structure isn’t laid out more clearly? And if it is so rigid, why it wouldn’t just automatically increase on someone’s 1 year anniversary with the company/anniversary as an RBT? How can it be on a rigid structure but simultaneously depend on the areas of growth you mentioned? Scheduling a meeting left me with the impression there was some negotiation possible. Most jobs allow negotiations depending on merit and performance, it’s this ABA principle that kept me working so hard and going above and beyond.

You also mentioned that I couldn’t get a higher raise because of after-hour events. If a raise depended on me going to events like Trunk or Treat, like you suggested, shouldn’t those be paid events, or shouldn’t it be made explicitly clear that attending events is a requirement for earning a raise? Last years Halloween event actually landed on my birthday, so I wasn’t able to attend. I am in the *company book club though. Are these events pertinent to a raise because of the relationships it builds between ABA and SPOTS? If so, you can ask Mrs. A, Reneè, AJ, Candice, and Sam. Please do. I’ve built excellent rapport with them and ensure our collaboration. It wasn’t necessary to attend outside events to build these relationships. I was voted Most Enthusiastic in the entire clinic (including SPOTS) for the Christmas vote.

With respect, it seems nonsensical that a raise would depend on what after-hour events I attend or don’t attend. Shouldn’t it depend on my quality of work, in the workplace?

If $21.60 is reserved for those who have 2+ years of RBT experience, would I then begin making 21.60 in December? (When I’ve reached 2 years)

The feedback you received from the BCBA’s is definitely demoralizing. I have done 2 BIPs for H and S each and 1 for K. I was never given anything but positive feedback and gratitude. It’s disappointing that the only feedback the BCBAs gave to you, after a year of watching me work, is that I diverted too much from the original BIP, despite the assignment being to create a BIP in our own style.

As an RBT, is it my job to create a BIP? It doesn’t seem fair that I’m getting paid the same as other RBTs who aren’t writing BIPs, yet an inadequate BIP is the reason why I wouldn’t get a higher raise?

Although pay rate is somewhat based on RBT experience, I would like to advocate that I’ve conducted the VB-MAPP for H twice, S, K, A, and L. I handled case management duties for H and S the entire 11 months. I’ve kept K’s and J’s programs and materials updated. I routinely trained T on how to run H and S’s programs and I’ve trained R on I and J’s programs. Most RBT’s and candidates do not independently conduct the VB-MAPP and have not been managing caseloads to this degree for the past year.

Although I don’t have 2+ years experience, I would like to say that H’s first day, and my first day on the floor here, it was just me and him for the entire day. Everyone was at the Museum. Despite my 6 months experience, I absolutely handled the situation with zero information about Henry.

I could refer to the data to prove my quality of work as an RBT, despite not having 2+ years experience. But I will elaborate.
When H came here he would not walk, scan an array, sit at a table, keep his clothes on, and he could not talk or eat. He was on an all-liquid diet, had to be spoon fed, and could not have anything placed into his hand because he would throw it.

After working with H for 11 months he did not flop, destroy property, or aggress towards others. He could verbally mand for 50+ items/activities, and he could sing, use sign language, and use his AAC device. He can dress himself and feed himself and walk himself anywhere he wanted to go. He was mostly potty trained despite his uncontrollable GI issues.
On his first day here, he had to be spoon fed soup with a weighted spoon, while sitting on the floor. On his last day here, he independently sat at the table and ate a Cobb salad with a fork. All on his own.

I provide extremely high quality ABA therapy.
I started here with a Master’s degree in psychology and I’ve been a BCBA candidate for a year in the *major university program.

I tolerated the gym and sensory room being taken away last November and somehow found reinforcers that could compete with those rooms. I’ve tolerated the promise of a swing for almost a year. I trusted *company after the former employee (child abuse arrest) situation and encouraged my coworkers to trust the company as well. I even took it on the chin when I was falsely accused of gossiping, despite actually shutting down the gossip. I decided to stay after my sister left, which shows my dedication and loyalty to *company.

I run the most targets in the clinic on any given day and was recognized for that several months ago. I was voted Most Enthusiastic in the entire clinic (including SPOTS) for the Christmas vote. I’ve built incredible rapport with K’s family, which was vital after G left. My room is the room that’s shown off during tours because I don’t mind spending my own money and time off the clock decorating the kids’ rooms. The decorations in the hallways are projects I completed off the clock. The whiteboards that are in each room now are because I first did it for H and S. I even bought the whiteboards still hanging up in I and J’s rooms right now. I’ve used my own money to set up 3 birthday parties and H and S’s going-away party.

There is not a single day that I let myself slack. I’m dedicated to make significant improvements in the lives of the children and their families. I’ve built a reputation for being extremely organized, clean, enthusiastic, positive, and an excellent RBT.

I’ve remained very optimistic while waiting nearly 2 months after my 1 year anniversary to discuss a raise and feedback. I’m extremely disappointed with both. It’s a shame *company doesn’t recognize the quality employee I am and it’s a shame the consequence of my hard work was negative feedback regarding a BIP and lack of attendance at outside events. The typical side effects of punishment are emotional reactions after all. I do feel quite emotional and shattered over this. However, I must do what most RBT’s have to do to get a fair pay raise. It is disappointing that *company couldn’t apply the same ABA we all know so well, in this instance.

Please consider this a formal and immediate notice of resignation, with today, September 6, 2022 being my last day.

This bitch right here

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