
“Unlimited Vacation Policy”

I work for a tech company that’s implemented an unlimited vacation policy. I’ve worked here for 3 years, the first two years I took maybe 2 weeks each year. However this year I a) got covid and was extremely sick so had to take time off, all recorded under the same timesheet code and b) had a literal once in a lifetime opportunity to take a trip I’ve been dreaming of before this company and will remember long after I quit. The trip in question was 3 weeks. I gave mgmt 4 months notice for this trip and got it approved by all leadership involved. I completed all commitments before I left and was even recognized positively in my absence by mgmt. My trip was near the start of the year. Fast forward 3 months after the trip and I got disciplined for taking additional vacation. When I asked for…

I work for a tech company that’s implemented an unlimited vacation policy. I’ve worked here for 3 years, the first two years I took maybe 2 weeks each year. However this year I a) got covid and was extremely sick so had to take time off, all recorded under the same timesheet code and b) had a literal once in a lifetime opportunity to take a trip I’ve been dreaming of before this company and will remember long after I quit. The trip in question was 3 weeks. I gave mgmt 4 months notice for this trip and got it approved by all leadership involved. I completed all commitments before I left and was even recognized positively in my absence by mgmt.

My trip was near the start of the year. Fast forward 3 months after the trip and I got disciplined for taking additional vacation. When I asked for a set guideline on how much vacation we are allowed to use in such a vague policy, mgmt expressed we should shoot for 3 weeks OR LESS. My understanding is that 3 weeks is really the bare minimum that most companies offer. Why in God’s name do we have an unlimited policy if the expectation is that we take the standard amount? They also told me that people usually sacrifice their remaining vacation when taking a long trip. However at the time of approval they did not set this expectation.

Does anyone else with this type of vacation policy have stories like this? Why does it feel like this is all a game and we are constantly being set up to lose?

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