

A little over a year ago I moved jobs to work for a boss I'd worked for before – she was offering a raise, interesting work and a new company. Great, I think – I needed a change and could do with the money. Fast forward to June this year. I'd had a bit of a wobble (wife had a miscarriage, I'd had a couple of tough meetings that I was struggling to manage, let a couple of things slip) and my boss “out of concern” essentially forced me into taking medical leave. I have been open with her that I have had previous MH issues. Anyway, 3 weeks later, I return to work and I get told I have made multiple mistakes, and that I've failed to do what is expected. Up until the end of my probation period I'd had nothing but positive feedback. I mean, nothing. Anyway.…

A little over a year ago I moved jobs to work for a boss I'd worked for before – she was offering a raise, interesting work and a new company. Great, I think – I needed a change and could do with the money.

Fast forward to June this year. I'd had a bit of a wobble (wife had a miscarriage, I'd had a couple of tough meetings that I was struggling to manage, let a couple of things slip) and my boss “out of concern” essentially forced me into taking medical leave. I have been open with her that I have had previous MH issues. Anyway, 3 weeks later, I return to work and I get told I have made multiple mistakes, and that I've failed to do what is expected. Up until the end of my probation period I'd had nothing but positive feedback. I mean, nothing.

Anyway. I'm now at the point where I get no communication from my manager, I get missed off email chains, messages ignored, meetings cancelled, and then get told I'm not doing anything right. I then get told (verbally) I'm on an “informal performance review”, but have no follow up from that. I hear that my boss is asking people for feedback about my “conduct” in meetings. It's just horrible, I'm being sidelined and ignored and can't go on like this.

So, I've found a new job. I'll be handing my notice in as soon as the new contract is through. fuck this, my life is worth more than putting up with other people's shit

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