
Unorganized management

Just a rant over how unorganized my management seems to be. I just got a temporary summer job at the same place I was at last year. During orientation I was asked if I could cover a shift on Sunday and I said yes. Schedules came out and I wasn’t put on Sunday. Thought nothing of it just thought they didn’t need me anymore. I thought that bc they asked me if I could come in Friday and I said yes and they then added me to Friday the next second. It’s Sunday and I see a missed call from work and they left a voicemail asking why I’m not at work. I check the schedule and guess what— I’m not on it. I call them and explain and the manager isn’t even taking responsibility and just saying “ok” “thank you” multiple times. Even said “well we definitely needed you”—…

Just a rant over how unorganized my management seems to be.

I just got a temporary summer job at the same place I was at last year. During orientation I was asked if I could cover a shift on Sunday and I said yes. Schedules came out and I wasn’t put on Sunday. Thought nothing of it just thought they didn’t need me anymore.

I thought that bc they asked me if I could come in Friday and I said yes and they then added me to Friday the next second.

It’s Sunday and I see a missed call from work and they left a voicemail asking why I’m not at work. I check the schedule and guess what— I’m not on it.

I call them and explain and the manager isn’t even taking responsibility and just saying “ok” “thank you” multiple times. Even said “well we definitely needed you”— then you should’ve actually put me on the schedule.

It ain’t my fault that y’all were unorganized shits. 🫶

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