
Unpaid online meetings

(ONTARIO, CANADA) Like the title says, the place I work for (a pretty big convince store chain) hosts these meetings for employees which are mandatory, it's an online call on Microsoft teams where they talk about goals, and some training stuff. It lasts about 2 hours. We are unpaid for these meetings and I want to know if it's law that we supposed to be paid. I looked it up and Google says it is but I wanna make sure before I stand my ground on it. Thanks in advance.

(ONTARIO, CANADA) Like the title says, the place I work for (a pretty big convince store chain) hosts these meetings for employees which are mandatory, it's an online call on Microsoft teams where they talk about goals, and some training stuff. It lasts about 2 hours.
We are unpaid for these meetings and I want to know if it's law that we supposed to be paid. I looked it up and Google says it is but I wanna make sure before I stand my ground on it.

Thanks in advance.

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