
Unpayed mandatory meetings

I work at a fast food type restaurant, a few weeks back we had a “team meeting”. my boss had some things to discuss since he had a meeting with all the people above him. I heared from one of my collegues that we would be paid for showing up, and participating wich seemed more than resonable for me since we needed to take a piece out of our day and travel to our workplace, and sit there for upwards of an hour. When I arrived and one of my collegues asked if we would get paid for the hour of being there my manager just said no. There and then I just took it, although looking back I dont find it fair at all. Fast forward a few weeks, some people have left this job due to bad labor circumastances, management ect. New people have arrived and my manager…

I work at a fast food type restaurant, a few weeks back we had a “team meeting”. my boss had some things to discuss since he had a meeting with all the people above him.
I heared from one of my collegues that we would be paid for showing up, and participating wich seemed more than resonable for me since we needed to take a piece out of our day and travel to our workplace, and sit there for upwards of an hour.
When I arrived and one of my collegues asked if we would get paid for the hour of being there my manager just said no. There and then I just took it, although looking back I dont find it fair at all.

Fast forward a few weeks, some people have left this job due to bad labor circumastances, management ect. New people have arrived and my manager just announced he would want to have another team meeting with us. Fine, I get that new people might need to be informed in this way. Now I would like to adress this to him, I would like to get paid for a meeting that I attend and make time for.
How should I go about this?
I dont really care for working there anymore, but dont feel the need to be rude or something (although he is towars us a lot of the time) I dont return these kinds of favours 🙂

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