
Unpopular Opinion: Elon Musk is less of a threat or bother to me than companies like BlackRock, Vanguard and countless others we don’t even know about yet. The enemy we do know is a whole lot better than the enemy we don’t know.

It's no surprise that a common belief in this place is hating Elon Musk and that's perfectly fine to do so. I ain't disagreeing with you. He's done some pretty shitty things. But overall he hasn't impacted my life at all. The guy kinda just exists doing his own thing but because he's the richest man he keeps getting the spotlight. But to me. Elon is a small fish in a much darker pond. Who cares if Elon wants to go to Mars, who cares if Elon owns Twitter. Him owning twitter doesn't impact my life. People are so focused on this guy rather than all the other countless billionaires or corporations who are actually impacting our lives. Blackrock, The Gates foundation, Vanguard. The level of power and influence these corporations have is terrifying and they're barely talked about, they continue on as business buying up massive amount of land…

It's no surprise that a common belief in this place is hating Elon Musk and that's perfectly fine to do so. I ain't disagreeing with you. He's done some pretty shitty things.

But overall he hasn't impacted my life at all. The guy kinda just exists doing his own thing but because he's the richest man he keeps getting the spotlight.

But to me. Elon is a small fish in a much darker pond. Who cares if Elon wants to go to Mars, who cares if Elon owns Twitter. Him owning twitter doesn't impact my life.

People are so focused on this guy rather than all the other countless billionaires or corporations who are actually impacting our lives.

Blackrock, The Gates foundation, Vanguard. The level of power and influence these corporations have is terrifying and they're barely talked about, they continue on as business buying up massive amount of land and property and that is a far bigger threat to all of us than Elon buying twitter could ever be.

We're facing the prospect of facing neo-feudalism again due to these corporations yet we focus on Elon.

They want us dancing around like a bunch of fucking apes throwing shit at each other. Elon to me isn't the problem, perhaps massive wealth equality is the problems absolutely but I'm far more concerned about what Blackrock is doing with family houses than what Elon is doing with twitter.

I just feel like we have our priorities completely in the wrong place. Focusing on matters that do not matter. Who gives a fuck what Elon is doing honestly.

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