
Unpopular opinion maybe; being anti work doesn’t mean you should fuck over your fellow humans.

Now look this sounds crass and pretty broad, I just see a lot of posts where people talk about deliberately doing certain things to fuck their places of employment over. And while I get there anger, and while it is justified, who do you think is gonna clean that up or fix that? It’s not gonna be your boss lol, it’s gonna be some other minimum wage fuck jus like you and me, getting fucked over for something he didn’t have anything to do with. I know it’s not a majority but any means, but people have done this at my job before so seeing other people do it just kind of makes me angry. Dumb rant over

Now look this sounds crass and pretty broad, I just see a lot of posts where people talk about deliberately doing certain things to fuck their places of employment over. And while I get there anger, and while it is justified, who do you think is gonna clean that up or fix that? It’s not gonna be your boss lol, it’s gonna be some other minimum wage fuck jus like you and me, getting fucked over for something he didn’t have anything to do with. I know it’s not a majority but any means, but people have done this at my job before so seeing other people do it just kind of makes me angry. Dumb rant over

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