
Unpopular opinion: Will overturning Roe v Wade strengthen labor’s power?

The greatest struggles won by American labor, and its post war golden age, all occurred before Roe. The corporate financed women’s movements that followed were aimed at keeping women in the workforce longer, to enlarge the labor pool. This correlated with higher divorce rates and collapsing family formation, fragmenting the working class. Workers formerly had families and communities to pool from during strikes. Now a growing number of under employed males and unwed mothers are isolated and desperate. Could reversing Roe lead to more women marrying and leaving the workforce, tightening the labor pool and increasing wages? Could this in turn rebuild class solidarity? Thoughts? Bonus points if you sound educated and informed.

The greatest struggles won by American labor, and its post war golden age, all occurred before Roe.
The corporate financed women’s movements that followed were aimed at keeping women in the workforce longer, to enlarge the labor pool.
This correlated with higher divorce rates and collapsing family formation, fragmenting the working class.
Workers formerly had families and communities to pool from during strikes. Now a growing number of under employed males and unwed mothers are isolated and desperate.
Could reversing Roe lead to more women marrying and leaving the workforce, tightening the labor pool and increasing wages?
Could this in turn rebuild class solidarity?
Bonus points if you sound educated and informed.

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