
Unprofessional Comments

I posted some time back and I'm still at the same company. kinda starting to wish I left. I haven't due to the giant projects we have on us at the moment. To set the stage, I work at a company that is primary employed by ex-military. Without giving to much away, I work as a Data center Engineer (I was recently promoted and given 30% increase). I understand ex-mill tend to have their own way of being and own humor that I might not get as I'm not. With that said, my co-worker, lets call him Frank, who is “lower racking”, I'm on a higher pay grade and get paid more than he does, than I, as I've been with the company for a long time and have a great deal of technical ability. I've been at my place of work for 7+ years and have a degree plus…

I posted some time back and I'm still at the same company. kinda starting to wish I left. I haven't due to the giant projects we have on us at the moment. To set the stage, I work at a company that is primary employed by ex-military. Without giving to much away, I work as a Data center Engineer (I was recently promoted and given 30% increase). I understand ex-mill tend to have their own way of being and own humor that I might not get as I'm not. With that said, my co-worker, lets call him Frank, who is “lower racking”, I'm on a higher pay grade and get paid more than he does, than I, as I've been with the company for a long time and have a great deal of technical ability. I've been at my place of work for 7+ years and have a degree plus multiple industry certs including net+, Linux essentials, and even Project +. Frank has only been here for maybe 2 years, no degree or certs that I'm aware of just mill experience.

As I probably talked about in a previous post, Frank has been getting most of the project work for a specific section for the past year and has been working with the team that owns the equipment. This was my bosses decision to do so as Frank needed better understanding of the environment.Well as Frank has been working with the other team a lot they have gotten chummy. Frank has also basically pushed me out of all coordinating related to the resent project that we were both working on, as it was a mammoth of a project.

We will be doing a huge deploy here soon and were doing final preparations. We were reviewing day of steps they asked if I felt we were good with this plan. I replied “I don't know whats in the plan as I haven't been apart of making it” to which an engineer in the other team, I'm gonna call him John, stated “well frank has it all handled we don't need you, go on get out of here” a contractor of their team then emphasized this with a “yeah we don't need ya” John went on to say ” why don't you just go watch franks kid for him” I don't remember if frank said anything but I was quite upset by John's remark.

This comment made me feel very unwanted in this work place. I also feel quite insulted as if my ability is less than franks as if I have less experience with this company. or as if my intelligence is so much less that I should be a baby sitter instead of working the job I have for the past 7+ years. I've been mentally exhausted the past week and had to take a day to let it sit before even being able to think in a level headed manner about what John said.

My question is with Johns remarks. Should I talk to my manager about this?, Write him up and report him to both my manager and his over email plus hr? or should I just simply talk to john about his comment and how it's offensive to me because I how I was bullied about my intelligence as a kid or how I don't appreciate feeling unwanted?

Of course the other thought that keeps coming back is kinda of an inner voice just saying “quit being a B*%^ and just deal with it, it how these ex mill people are. You don't want to be seen as some pansy who can't take a joke” I don't mind people poking fun, some areas I don't care about includes: my weight (my doctor already says I'm morbidly obese and going to die because I'm 240+lbs. even though I can lift 150lbs with no problems.), hell I don't even mind a poke at the fact I'm Gay. But this comment just upset me in a way I couldn't comprehend until later.I don't know what to do or say guess that's why I've come here for advice.
I've posted this on another sub, but I really just want input from someone. What would you do in my situation?

Thank you if you read all this I know it's a lot.

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