
unsafe working environment

I'm working at a biotech company in a few weeks ago I had an injury at work because the hinge holding the heavy pasteurizer lid came off and slammed on both my hands and my left wrist and I had to wear a soft cast for a few weeks and instead of fixing the problem they think I faked my injury and they have been acting passive aggressive towards me ever since and I'm so happy to announce I'm getting a new job so I don't want to deal with their bullshit anymore

I'm working at a biotech company in a few weeks ago I had an injury at work because the hinge holding the heavy pasteurizer lid came off and slammed on both my hands and my left wrist and I had to wear a soft cast for a few weeks and instead of fixing the problem they think I faked my injury and they have been acting passive aggressive towards me ever since and I'm so happy to announce I'm getting a new job so I don't want to deal with their bullshit anymore

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