
Update about severance after layoff

I made a thread a week or two ago about me getting laid off and getting a severance. But before I was told that, two middle management stooges tried to lecture me about how I was unprofessional for asking to be paid fairly (I talked with coworkers and found I was underpaid.) I didn't take that bs from them and got angry. But they needed me to perform some last minute closing functions so they couldn't just kick me out. Fast forward to yesterday (2 weeks from when I was laid off) I get a call from the head of this corporation's HR apologizing for the delay in my severance which is coming to me next Friday, instead of today. Apparently there was a “delay” from the management to HR in handing over the severance papers. I know this was some lowbrow revenge for me getting angry, and now I…

I made a thread a week or two ago about me getting laid off and getting a severance. But before I was told that, two middle management stooges tried to lecture me about how I was unprofessional for asking to be paid fairly (I talked with coworkers and found I was underpaid.) I didn't take that bs from them and got angry. But they needed me to perform some last minute closing functions so they couldn't just kick me out. Fast forward to yesterday (2 weeks from when I was laid off) I get a call from the head of this corporation's HR apologizing for the delay in my severance which is coming to me next Friday, instead of today. Apparently there was a “delay” from the management to HR in handing over the severance papers. I know this was some lowbrow revenge for me getting angry, and now I feel I was entirely justified. These corporate bootlickers think they can lecture me about professionalism when I get a 1 day notice for layoff, when they are extremely understaffed, when they don't pay fairly, AND when they purposely delay my severance?! If you are a manager and side with the corporation over the worker, you are scum and deserve no sympathy or respect.

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