
[UPDATE] After trying to get our members to scab, we have a deal

So, in my last post I talked about how my employer was trying to get our members to cross the picket line virtually and scab during a potential strike by the union. Fast forward to this week. We received an email from our bargaining committee. The Company called them to a meeting and presented what they called their final offer. It was made clear that there would be no new negotiations during the 72 hour notice we are required by law to give. The update from our committee said that given this information, this offer is the best we can do without going on strike. After the various meetings we've had and the current pulse of the membership, they feel it is now 8n out best interest to accept the offer. I have not yet seen the offer, and won't until our ratification meeting on August 16. However, the committee…

So, in my last post I talked about how my employer was trying to get our members to cross the picket line virtually and scab during a potential strike by the union. Fast forward to this week.

We received an email from our bargaining committee. The Company called them to a meeting and presented what they called their final offer. It was made clear that there would be no new negotiations during the 72 hour notice we are required by law to give. The update from our committee said that given this information, this offer is the best we can do without going on strike. After the various meetings we've had and the current pulse of the membership, they feel it is now 8n out best interest to accept the offer.

I have not yet seen the offer, and won't until our ratification meeting on August 16. However, the committee is telling us that while we made gains in some of our demands, we fell short in others.

Time will tell what will happen. Personally, I think that the Company got enough people to sign up to scab that they called the meeting with our committee, told them how many people signed up, gave a bullshit offer, knowing that 55% will vote yes, and the deal is done.

I have my hill to die on issue – reinstating COLA back in our agreement. It's there, but hasn't been enforced by mutual agreement since the late 90s. If that's not back, I'll be voting no.

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