
Update: Family pet died whilst at work. Boss has blown me away with her comments.

The original thread: I had my next shift today before my beloved pet’s body even has the chance to turn cold. A sleepless night made worse by how insensitive my boss and coworkers had been the day before. I had been stewing over it and things came to a head during lunch break when I asked my boss why they are so insensitive. She first tried to justify it by saying the shop floor was busy and I didn’t have time to feel sorry for myself. After some back and forth she eventually apologises. All sounds good right? Wrong. As the shop started getting busy during the afternoon she and my coworkers were back to calling me slow and telling me to hurry up. Finally in front of the customers my boss told me “you better hurry up if you want the money to replace your pet”. The rest…

The original thread:

I had my next shift today before my beloved pet’s body even has the chance to turn cold. A sleepless night made worse by how insensitive my boss and coworkers had been the day before. I had been stewing over it and things came to a head during lunch break when I asked my boss why they are so insensitive. She first tried to justify it by saying the shop floor was busy and I didn’t have time to feel sorry for myself.

After some back and forth she eventually apologises. All sounds good right? Wrong. As the shop started getting busy during the afternoon she and my coworkers were back to calling me slow and telling me to hurry up.

Finally in front of the customers my boss told me “you better hurry up if you want the money to replace your pet”. The rest of the shift I couldn’t think straight.

Is work supposed to be like hell?

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