
Update: fired after 22 years without cause and boss won’t pay PTO

I submitted a request to the labor board. They completely denied me. I can only assume it’s because the ceo claimed three weeks later he did have cause (I assume he made it up) after I told him several times he released me without cause. None of this was ever mentioned in the meeting and I had never received any write ups or complaints about my performance. I don’t have the time or energy to take this to small claims court. Thanks everyone for your support. I guess a moral victory will have to do. I attached the screenshots from the labor board emails.

I submitted a request to the labor board. They completely denied me. I can only assume it’s because the ceo claimed three weeks later he did have cause (I assume he made it up) after I told him several times he released me without cause. None of this was ever mentioned in the meeting and I had never received any write ups or complaints about my performance. I don’t have the time or energy to take this to small claims court. Thanks everyone for your support. I guess a moral victory will have to do.

I attached the screenshots from the labor board emails.

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