
UPDATE Got fired and they want me to stay on til the end of the month to train the person taking over my position—I was offered a job within 2 weeks for DOUBLE my current salary

On February 25th, my asshole-of-a-CEO fired me for bullshit reasons, and asked me to stay on through the end of March to train my replacement and finish monthly billing. A lot of you told me to quit/walk away, or do nothing at all. I chose the latter, just about. I sent my replacement a bunch of emails and screenshots with instructions on how to do my most important job functions, and was as kind to her as I could be (it ain’t her fault). I refused to speak with the CEO (not that he has tried because he’s a coward and is petrified of me now), and have refused to do any actual work beyond training. Now here’s the satisfying thing. I have really struggled over the last few years due to my brother’s suicide. I thought I would just lay down and die, and not be able to find…

On February 25th, my asshole-of-a-CEO fired me for bullshit reasons, and asked me to stay on through the end of March to train my replacement and finish monthly billing.

A lot of you told me to quit/walk away, or do nothing at all. I chose the latter, just about. I sent my replacement a bunch of emails and screenshots with instructions on how to do my most important job functions, and was as kind to her as I could be (it ain’t her fault). I refused to speak with the CEO (not that he has tried because he’s a coward and is petrified of me now), and have refused to do any actual work beyond training.

Now here’s the satisfying thing. I have really struggled over the last few years due to my brother’s suicide. I thought I would just lay down and die, and not be able to find a new job ever. But something in me (I think it was vengeance) pushed me to try really hard to secure a new position before I left so I could laugh while my current company is driven into the ground. And…I did!!!! Within 2 weeks, I received an offer for a job that is literally D O U B L E my salary, with a nice bonus at the end of the year. Benefits start the first day too.

So, I can laugh knowing I have a position at an actual legitimate company, and my cockhead boss’ shithole operation will probably crumble in ~5 years since they decided to get rid of their only administrative support, and hire an accountant with no admin background!!! Blessed.

Thanks for all the kind words, guys ️️️

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