
UPDATE: Hiring Manager wanted me to prove salary was too low

Hey all! In my original post I shared that a hiring manager at the university I worked at asked me to prove the salary they offered was too low. I never heard anything back after sending an email with some minimal research and links to similar jobs. Today the manager called me and said because of my message, they were able to confront HR and approved a higher salary and I was still being offered the job at a more competitive rate!!! I can’t believe that it actually worked; I figured he would have tossed it in file 13 and I just wouldn’t ever hear back. It seemed like HR here was an immovable object, and somehow I made a little bit of difference. I plan to tell all of my coworkers looking for new jobs to employ the same strategy; I know it won’t work for everyone, but hopefully…

Hey all! In my original post I shared that a hiring manager at the university I worked at asked me to prove the salary they offered was too low. I never heard anything back after sending an email with some minimal research and links to similar jobs.
Today the manager called me and said because of my message, they were able to confront HR and approved a higher salary and I was still being offered the job at a more competitive rate!!!
I can’t believe that it actually worked; I figured he would have tossed it in file 13 and I just wouldn’t ever hear back. It seemed like HR here was an immovable object, and somehow I made a little bit of difference. I plan to tell all of my coworkers looking for new jobs to employ the same strategy; I know it won’t work for everyone, but hopefully it will make the difference for some!

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